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Kenya Golf Union
Transforming Golf
Kenya Golf Union

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Parallax Presentation(Welcome to Kenya Golf Union home-page)

Welcome to Kenya Golf Union.

Formed in 1928, the Kenya Golf Union (KGU) is Kenya’s oldest continuous sports body. It is affiliated to the Ministry of Sports & Culture, the Royal & Ancient and also the International Golf Federation as the representative body of the golfing sport in Kenya. It is a union of 38 golf clubs and 2 golfing societies in Kenya.

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Union Objectives

→ To advance, promote and safeguard the interests of the game of golf in Kenya under the Kenya Golf Federation.

→ To uphold and maintain the Rules of Golf and the Rules, Definitions and Interpretations of R&A Rules Limited, whose jurisdiction as the Ruling Authority in Golf is recognised by the Union.

→ To establish, develop, maintain and administer Kenya National Handicap System and Standard Scratch Scores which all affiliated clubs shall use and supervise the administration of the Kenya National Handicap System and control the observance of the fundamental principles and regulations of the system by all affiliated clubs.

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Kgu statistics

2025 KAGC Calendar

Hire JGF’s Bus


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Typo Presentation

KGU Subsidiaries


Our Constitution

Kenya Golf Union acts as the Governing Authority of Golf in Kenya

Read Our Constitution

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The field

in touch

Kenya Golf Union, P.O BOX 49609 – 00100, Off Kiambu Road, Nairobi.